Animal Care Traineeships

Animal Care Traineeships available through NTM

13 November 2023 – Animal Care Traineeships

NTM has a range of animal care courses available as traineeships for eligible NSW residents and workers. You can combine work and training through a traineeship, simply work with your employer and explore the suitability of a traineeship. Once you sign up, you will begin your animal care training at National Training Masters. Courses available as a traineeship include:

ACM30122 Certificate III in Animal Care Services
ACM30122 Certificate III in Animal Care Services
ACM30321 Certificate III in Wildlife and Exhibited Animal Care

1 January 2023 – Fee Free Training for eligible NSW students 

Breaking news the TAE40116 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment course is fee-free. Fee-free* training is a joint initiative of the Australian and New South Wales Governments, providing tuition-free training places for people wanting to train, retrain or upskill. Fee-free* training for 2023 is now exhausted and there is no more funding available for this year

12 October 2022 – Inspire Students – support now available in completing your qualifications.

Attention all Inspire students who live or work in NSW, we may be able to assist you in completing the following qualifications:

TAE40116 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment
BSB41419 Certificate IV in Work Health and Safety
BSB40520 Certificate IV in Leadership and Management
BSB51319 Diploma of Work Health and Safety
BSB50420 Diploma of Leadership and Management

Following advice from the National Regulator, the Australian Skills Quality Authority, we may be able to transfer your completed studies and assessments to National Training Masters to complete your qualification. Please call 1300 653 501, or email [email protected] to discuss options for RPL and credit trasnfer. Depending on your circumstances you may be eligible for funding under the NSW Smart and Skilled program.

7 March 2022 – Flooding Western Sydney

All Monday, Western Sydney classes will be via Teams, do not travel to the M Centre, join your class via Teams. Contact Brad your trainer for more information. Stay safe and dry

2 March 2022 – Flooding Western Sydney

All Wednesday, Western Sydney classes will be via Teams, do not travel to the M Centre, join your class via Teams. Contact Brad your trainer for more information. Stay safe and dry.

10 January 2022 – All classes back face to face

All classes are back! We are resuming all face-to-face classes at all locations, Kiama and Western Sydney. In accordance with NSW Health Guidelines education is an essential service and we will be resuming face to face classes with a real teacher and other students.

3 October 2021 – Roadmap to recovery

All classes are resuming face-to-face as we reach the first milestone of the Roadmap to recovery. Following advice from the NSW Government, “Workers, students or other visitors accessing a VET facility are encouraged to be fully vaccinated once NSW meet the 70% double vaccination threshold for those 16+.” NTM strongly encourages vaccination and all our teachers are fully vaccinated. We have updated our COVID safe plan to include improved ventilation and increased square metres of space for all our students. All our teachers and staff are fully vaccinated.

16 August 2021 – COVID-19 Regional Lockdowns, Travel Permits and classes

In response to the emerging COVID advice from NSW Health, all classes this week will pause for one week. Moving forward, we will be able to recommence classes once we have more details from the NSW Government. As a number of students live in Greater Sydney, we are ascertaining how the travel permits will work and are awaiting further advice from Services NSW.

It appears those in regional NSW will be able to attend classes once we have further information. In the meantime, work on completing outstanding classwork and assessments.

Once we have more information, we will send you an update. Our office will remain open for phone and e-mail enquiries during the lockdown.

We will use the contingency weeks of training and Teams to ensure we can complete the course.

If you have any questions, you can contact your trainer via Teams, SMS or e-mail.

28 June 2021 – COVID-19 Lockdown update

Attention all students, in response to the Lockdown, we are postponing the tutorial workshop that was scheduled for Wednesday the 30 June 2021 at our Kiama Campus. Consequently, all assessment due dates have been extended and all students have an extension for outstanding assessments. We will contact you once in-person classes resume. Any questions contact your teacher via Teams or e-mail. Note, there will be no in-person services at Kiama, if you have a laptop please return it once the the lockdown is lifted. Please contact our office on 1300 653 501 or your teacher via e-mail for all course-related issues. Our head office will be operating via phone and e-mail only, stay home and follow advice and orders by NSW Health.

NTM is an essential service and will continue to enrol students into our next semester courses. Please visit our TAE40116 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment and BSB41419 Certificate IV in Work Health and Safety pages for our latest enrolment information for Term 3, 2021 courses.

Floods in Western Sydney

21 March 2021 – Emergency update

Attention all students at our Western Sydney Training Centre, this week all classes will be via Teams for the 22, 23 and 24 March 2021. Please contact your trainer for more details. Use your NTM student account and details to log in to Teams. Please stay safe and do not drive in floodwaters. Keep up to date via the BOM and Live Traffic websites.

Update for students about coronavirus (COVID-19)

1 February 2021 – update

We are open, all face-to-face classes are continuing and we are taking new enrolments for courses at both our head office in Kiama and Western Sydney. As a Registered Training Organisation, NTM is an essential service during the pandemic and will operate in accordance with Government directions. We are taking enrolments for our face-to-face courses for the next intake for the hugely popular TAE40116 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment and Work Health and Safety courses. 

Over the last few months, we have been introducing a range of proactive measures to limit the impact of COVID-19 and support you in continuing your study. At the same time, we are continually evaluating our approaches to ensure your safety and wellbeing.

Social distancing at National Training Masters

21 March 2020 – urgent all students

Teachers have been provided with specific guidance on ways to implement appropriate social distancing within the teaching environment, which are slightly different from the general measures in place in the broader community.

Where your study program requires face-to-face interaction or practical environments  we are taking action by:

  • Reducing the size of the classes by ensuring that you have sufficient social distancing space
  • Encouraging regular hand hygiene of participants, including providing hand sanitiser for you and teachers
  • Regularly disinfecting frequently used surfaces
  • Avoid congestion in common areas by staggering break times.

In the meantime, NTM is in the process of rolling out a greater range of online resources so that you can continue to study your course via face to face classes and virtual classrooms. Your teacher will contact you directly to advise what this means for you and how your course will continue. Please keep up to date with the national Health advice regarding COVID-19.

About David Liptak

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  1. I am interested in Western Sydney Campus on Thursday or Friday class. please let me know when it open for TAE40122

    • We have just opened a new Tuesday class at our Western Sydney campus for Term 4, 2023

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