NTM wins TAE40116 teacher of the year!

NTM is proud to announce that David our coordinator and teacher for the TAE40116 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment is Teacher of the year. On Tuesday 10 December 2019 at Charles Sturt University (CSU) was presented the award by PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Skills for Australia on behalf of the Australian Council of Deas of Education Vocational Group (ACDEVEG).

This award recognises consistently high-quality teaching and training practice in practitioners delivering from the Training and Education Training Package (TAE) at Certificate IV and Diploma level. David was assessed on the demonstration of his professional excellence and achievement provided in teaching the TAE40116 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment against other teachers across Australia from private RTOs, Community Colleges and TAFE.

David has delivered TAE products (including BSZ40198, TAA40104, TAE40110 and TAE40116) in both TAFE and the private sector. He has an evidence-based approach to delivering training and assessment practices.

In training, David includes narrative approaches to teaching practices. As adults have rich experiences in lifelong learning, their stories are powerful in exploring adult learning principles. In the design of the TAE at NTM, students explore their own journey through school and adult education. These shared experiences provide both learning activities and anchors for the students to become trainers and assessors.

In assessment, David applies the approach, Assessment for Learning (AfL) where each learning activity is also an assessment. The main approach is to ensure that every learning opportunity utilises the VAK (Visual, Auditory and Kinaesthetic) modalities. By having a variety of interactive assessment activities students are able to apply learning in real-time. The added advantage of AfL is that every moment in teaching is meaningful and ensures assessments can be completed in class.

At NTM David’s students have an outstanding learning experience, and we are so proud that he has been awarded the Winner of the VET/Teacher Training Educator Award for the VET sector (TAE) programs. What makes the TAE40116 course so unique at NTM is that unlike most providers, we specialise in delivery the Training and Assessment face-to-face in a real training environment. Unlike most RTOs, the TAE course at NTM includes the vocational placement, meaning you get real-life experience delivering training in a registered training organisation.

To view David’s profile visit https://www.linkedin.com/in/davidmichalliptak/

About David Liptak

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  1. David is an awesome Teacher I loved my course, I tried online and went to National Training Masters and finally completed my course

  2. I completed my course a few years ago now with David. Since that time as my career aspirations have grown I’ve valued many lessons and experiences I shared with David. A wealth of knowledge and a passionate advocate for helping all his students prosper.

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