TAE40122 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment online and “fast track” rescue packages!

We are proud to announce that we are the first training organisation in Australia to offer TAE40122 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment online and “fast track” rescue packages for students enrolled with online providers.

Every day at National Training Masters (NTM), we have students and entire companies contact us in distress over trying to complete the TAE40122Certificate IV in Training and Assessment course online or in just a few days. Often, due to false and misleading marketing by some registered training organisations (RTOs) who promise you can 100% complete the TAE40116 online or in just a few days of training, the reality is somewhat vastly different. The TAE4012 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment course is one of the most challenging and demanding qualifications in vocational education and training (VET). Our teachers have over 150 years of collective experience, and the advice is clear, do not undertake the the course online, unless you meet specific criteria such as being a remote student who cannot attend a course face to face. Please read our article here on why not to complete the TAE40122 online, and why 90% of online students DO NOT complete their training and assessment studies online.

Sadly, a growing trend is to try and complete the TAE40122 Certificate in Training and Assesment in a “fast track” mode of between 2 to 10 days of face-to-face training. The reality is that you cannot complete a certificate IV Australian Qualification Framework (AQF) in a few days, the national regulator, the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA), has published a report on “unduly short training” a must read for all students.

Unfortunately, the reality was the previous “train the trainer” course and the superseded versions of Certificate IV in Workplace Assessment and Training were often completed in a few days, with the “weekend” TAE being the most popular method of “completing” the old qualification. However, while some things change and others remain the same, some RTOs still prey on vulnerable students with the promise of cheap courses, 100% online options, gift and travel vouchers, and the unrealistic expectation of completing the course in an unreasonable short amount of time with little to no amount of training.TAe40116 face to face

TAE resource package: An Australian First!

To help vulnerable existing online and “fast track” TAE40122 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment students, NTM is proud to announce Australia’s first TAE rescue package. If you have already started, tried to study or are completely frustrated with anxiety and stress regarding your existing TAE experience, contact us for options. At NTM, we have three options to rescue your TAE qualification:

  • Assist you with tutoring to complete your current online enrolment.
  • Using your current TAE provider results and use credit transfer into one of our face-to-face courses.
  • Combining tutoring, credit transfer, gap training and face to face training with NTM to complete your course.

Often students are filled with so many emotions regarding their negative online and “fast track” TAE course they give up and feel the issue is with them. In reality, only a few students who have no option but to study online should even attempt TAE in a fast track or “online” mode. You are not alone. Regain your confidence and complete your online TAE qualification with NTM, call us today on 1300 653 501 or e-mail our qualified career development practitioner for a complimentary careers session.

About David Liptak

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  1. Hello David,
    I currently live in Singapore and will return home to Australia next year.
    I am a chef at one of the largest airline caterers in the world but also do a lot of teaching and presentations.
    I would like to look into the TAE Cert IV and do it on line if possible so I may be able to teach when home. as a much older student (64_) is there any recognition for work I have done or can we forward to you some samples.
    we are open for discussion if possible

  2. Hi
    I am currently enrolled with a RTO to to the TAE40116 course, and I am really struggling with this. Can you please advise as what I need to do.


  3. Good Afternoon,

    I know that completing TAE online is very difficult however I have a couple of staff members who are interested in the fee -free TAE and wish to complete online, due to their work schedule Do you offer it online?? nb: They would have access to a trainer who is qualified to deliver TAE for any questions so I am confident they would get it completed.

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