Top 6 trending Work Health and Safety (WHS) Careers


Work Health and Safety jobsWHS Woman hard hat Transparent

The sector covering Work, Health and Safety (WHS) or Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) is a significant industry in Australia. WHS roles range from entry level positions through to diploma and university qualified professions. While all jobs will have a WHS component in the position or job description, there are a number of emerging WHS careers. Some jobs are totally dedicated to WHS whilst others incorporate Human Resource (HR) functions or workplace training and development. The following are the 2016 trending careers in WHS:

male hands folded high res Transparent1. Work Health and Safety Officer:

engages workers and managers in developing and delivering safety programs. WHS Officers must have knowledge and experience in WHS related legislation and industry standards. WHS Officers often hold a BSB51315 Diploma in Work Health and Safety, or the higher level BSB60615 Advanced Diploma of Work Health and Safety for specialised or high risk jobs.

inspector2. Health and Safety Representative (HSR):

technically not a separate career on its own, this is the new term used for Occupational and Health and Safety (OHS) Representatives, normally found in workplaces, and consisting of both workers and managers. The role of the HSR is to engage workers to identify health and safety issues and convey these issues to managers. There is special accredited WorkSafe NSW training that is available for HSRs and National Training Masters is an accredited HSR provider. Adding the role of HSR to your existing work role is a great way to experience the diverse functions of WHS and explore if this is where you would like to head as a career.

Health and Safety Advisor (HSA):

like a Health and Safety Representative, the Health and Safety Advisor  works within an organisation – it is not technically a stand-alone job. The HSA supports managers to improve the organisation’s health, safety and well-being practices. Depending on your jurisdiction and organisation, there may be a mandatory requirement to have an HSA, such as workplaces with over 30 employees. The HSA is more specialised than a member of the WHS Committee, such as a Health and Safety Representative (HSR), and taking on this role is a great pathway to other WHS careers. As a minimum the BSB41415 CIV Work Health and Safety is a pathway for being an HSA.

3. Work Health and Safety Inspector:

a specialised role found in government bodies such as WorkSafe NSW, requiring high level WHS qualifications and experience, such as the BSB60615 Advanced Diploma of Work Health and Safety. A WHS inspector is responsible for regulatory compliance with legislation. WHS Inspector roles are also found in large government bodies and in the private sector, including high-risk industries such as transport, mining and construction.

safety personnel4. Health and Wellbeing Coordinator:

these people are responsible for the management and implementation of employee health and wellness programs, in order to manage workplace risks to health and wellbeing. The wellbeing coordinator may have job roles such as developing Return to Work Plans (RWP), mental health programs, coordinating drug and alcohol awareness and preventative health and wellbeing programs. The BSB41415 CIV Work Health and Safety and BSB51315 Diploma of Work Health and Safety are ideal qualifications for a Health and Wellbeing Coordinator.

5. Work Health and Safety Consultant /OHS:

provides strategic and operational solutions to organisations regarding their WHS and risk management needs, including conducting WHS audits, and risk assessment and training. Usually a WHS Consultant will have as a minimum the BSB41415 CIV Work Health and Safety, but depending on the role and specialty area, consultants are recommended to have a qualification up to the BSB60615 Advanced Diploma of Work Health and Safety. WHS Consultants may work within organisations or on a contract basis.

Workplace trainer and assessor6. Work Health and Safety Trainer and Assessor:

provides WHS training and assessment, either in the workplace or with a Registered Training Organisation (RTO)/TAFE. A WHS Trainer/Assessor will have extensive WHS industry experience, usually at managerial level. The training qualification will be the TAE40110 CIV Training and Assessment. The WHS qualification will be either the BSB51315 Diploma in Work Health and Safety or the BSB60615 Advanced Diploma of Work Health and Safety or higher. Additional training roles include being an accredited HSR provider, and this involves further accreditation with a statutory body such as WorkSafe NSW. National Training Masters provides entry-level qualifications to WHS careers with the BSB41415 CIV Work Health and Safety, through to advanced WHS training with the BSB51315 Diploma in Work Health and Safety and BSB60615 Advanced Diploma of Work Health and Safety. NTM is also an accredited HSR training provider for WorkSafe NSW, and undertakes extensive in-house, customised WHS training with both private and public sector organisations. To make an appointment with an accredited Career Development Practitioner to explore WHS careers, complete the online enquiry form below.

About National Training Masters

National Training Masters (RTO number 91284) is headquartered in the Illawarra region of NSW and delivers nationally accredited, high-quality training throughout Australia. We specialise in customising courses for both individuals and organisations and delivering what you need. In 2016 National Training Masters opened a Western Sydney Training Centre in the Hawkesbury area, in the historic Richmond Toxana Business Centre.

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  1. Just did my 40110 Cert IV training and assessing. I had previously tried to do this course by correspondence with a company in Sydney and it was the worst course ever. 4 years later i attmepted this course after being recommended by a friend to do it through NTM, Don’t try and do it by distance (online) go see David at NTM. The knowledge this man has is incredible, the help through the course and guidance is second to none. I would highly recommend this course to anyone thinking of giving it a go. Thanks for a great course. Adam

  2. Thanks for explaining the trending WHS carriers, such as how work health and safety officers assist with developing and delivering safety programs so they have to be knowledgeable and experienced with legal and industry standards. If someone wants one of these careers, they’d probably want to find the right program for the one they choose, such as a WHSO course. This could ensure they can get the necessary training to have the experience and knowledge they need to do the work they want.

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